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One Vision of a Better Place to Live Life

Patrick's Detroit

I first visited Detroit when I was not even 10 years old to watch a Detroit Tigers game at Tiger Stadium and saw Mark "the Byrd" Fidrych throw an amazing game and witnessed all his "crazy" antics in preparing each and every pitch. Their new stadium, "Comerica Park", is still based in Downtown Detroit, and is a contemporary tribute to what engages fans both young and old. Yet in the time I visited the Tigers in the 1970's the city as a whole has fallen into dilapidated housing, cleared properties, and cut population in half and unemployment rates are in double digits.

Yet, the city still has roots that are clearly recognized as it has centers of history and culture and arts that keep it alive and rebuilding - "Motown" is still well recognized as the home of hundreds of top chart songs and performers. It's a city I would visit to learn how much it has to enjoy and how much I would want to see compared to other cities. Now, it may not match New York City for many, but it certainly has much that competes against the likes of Chicago, Atlanta, Miami (beaches excepted), Houston, and many other U.S. cities of that size and history.

Just my thoughts. I lived in a Detroit suburb and took trips to downtown Detroit almost everyday while attending Wayne State University and Danette worked downtown. We commuted together and find that one of the key highlights of the time we both "worked" and "played" together. Oh, by the way, visit Kensington Metro Park even if you don't live in Detroit Metro.